Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Just your regular blog update just so all five viewers of my blog know that I am still alive. I guess I'll kick things off with a novel update...

Cutting Teeth is coming out better and better with every scene I write if I do say so myself. Our adventurers find themselves in Felshor, mystical city of the elves, where a lot of plot is revealed amongst other things. This part sets the tone for the rest of the book as things both good and bad start to happen. The two empires (Otaria and Melora) feel great tensions as a mobilization of soldiers from Argentum, the free city that has kept the peace between the two, head to Kjeldor, the Land of Ice. Conspiracies involving the Council of Felshor start to trickle out of their ivory tower, and Glenn's group heads to the Hammerfall mountain range to ask the assistance of the dwarven king to keep Argentum safe.

Book Review
Yes! I am reviewing books now! Basically it's going to cover anything that I just finished reading and find worthwhile to talk about, whether it be good or bad. Today's book is a collection of short stories by K. G. McAbee, a woman I had the honor to meet at the local author showcase a couple weeks back, called Bewitched by Darkness.

This collection is primarily of a fantasy bent, with some pulp stories, and a nice homage to Lovecraftian horror. As a whole, I enjoyed every story; at no point did I want to put the book down unless I really had to. My biggest problem with it, though it isn't much of one, is the fact that most of the stories are told in the first person. I don't know, it works fine with short fiction, but I find it very limiting when it comes to developing a story, especially when you have a lot of characters. Any fan of fantasy should give it a look. It's not very expensive and it's a fairly short book, so you can go through it in a couple of lazy afternoons.

Gaming Club Update

Not much to talk about on this front, though I AM in love with the Pathfinder rules system. It's everything 4th edition should have been as a friend of mine so eloquently put it. The group page on Facebook isn't very big yet, but it is there for people to talk about club activities and for planning the eventual jump into a non-profit organization. The website has taken a slight back seat for now as I've been focusing more on my writing, but I haven't forgotten it. I am going to have a talk with the library people about setting up some sort of local gaming events there on either a Friday or a Saturday. I'll probably start with Magic: The Gathering since I don't have any of my role-playing books down here yet.

That's all for this one, so have a good night everyone!

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